SEND at St. Patrick’s Catholic Voluntary Academy
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Mary Leach. She can be contacted by telephone or email via the school office (0116 2661149) or
Our Governor for SEND is Mr Jack McConnochie
At St Patrick’s we consider every teacher to be a teacher of pupils with SEND. We have high expectations and aspirations for all pupils including those with SEND.
We plan and deliver a curriculum which pays due regard to children’s different levels of development and ability and to individual children’s needs.
We make every effort to achieve maximum inclusion of pupils with SEND. We are committed to meeting the individual needs of all pupils, the provision of the highest quality education for all students and the efficient use of resources.
Follow this link for the SEND Code of Practice 2014
SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years – GOV.UK (
Follow this link for Leicester City Council SEND information
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) (
Leicester City Local Offer
At St Patrick’s Catholic Voluntary Academy we are committed to working together with all members of our local community. The local offer has been produced by the Local Authority in collaboration with Leicester City Schools.
What is The Local Offer?
The local offer gives children and young people with SEND and their families information about help and services in Leicester.
The Local Offer brings together in one place information about health, education and social care for:
· children and young people from birth to 25 years old who have a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND)
· parents and carers of children with SEND
· professionals working in health, care and education
· providers of services for children and young people
Further information about Leicester City Council’s Local Offer can be found here:
Family Information | SEND Local Offer (
SENDIASS Leicester offers free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support to parents and carers of young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) as well as young people themselves.
Follow the link below for further information about SENDIASS
St Patrick’s SEND Information Report
At St Patrick’s Catholic Voluntary Academy, we will help your child achieve the very best they can at school. Parents sometimes feel that their child may need some additional support or help for some or all of their time at school.
Our SEND INFORMATION REPORT informs you of the types of support available for your child at our school and how this support can be accessed.
Please also refer to our school SEND and accessibility policy on our policies page: CLICK HERE
Useful Websites for Parents
For Parents | Autism Education Trust